“Building a better community together!”
Our vision is a better community in which the population will take an active part in changing their position and contribute to the social changes on the whole. Whereas through our mission, we strive to create a better community by creating cultural and educational programs for the children, the youth and the local population, while advocating their better position and building capacities of the change agents in rural communities.
Though our organization acts on a local, regional and national level, the focus of the institutional grant will be on a local level – the village of Sonta and its potential immediate environment, i.e. programs for local population for which we were founded and through which we will involve our end users in the work of the organization, strengthen our own membership, volunteers and engaged human resources and influence within the community. Reinforcing the organization’s resilience and sustainability will also affect its scope of work, to an even higher level than the local one, and its future advocating potential.
The vision of further development of our organization in the following two years and our relationship with the citizens, takes three directions:
1. CEKOS is an organization that brings together a significantly larger number of young people, children and other residents of the community through its programs that are daily, regular, organized, and the services we provide adequate, professional and in line with community needs, and the space within which we work is a form of public good, used by the entire community.
2. CEKOS is a clearly and precisely organized association, that has all of the required internal documents, procedures, allocated responsibilities, but also more active and motivated members that assume the responsibility for the work of the association, and a larger number and more professional staff or human resources working on volunteer basis.
3. CEKOS is an organization that has provided financial sustainability through innovative fundraising and alternative sources of funding so that its core programs can operate independently of external influences and project funding, but are dedicated to dealing with community members.
Start date
End date
Project status